So, my neighbor has a 2019 382 something Solitude. His gas regulator is as such;
Once one tank is used up, and regulator switch is turned toward other full tank, the now "empty" side still pushes gas out once empty tank is disconnected. New tank shows half red/half green on the guage, never a solid green?
My 2021 310gk shows either solid red or solid green, depending on tank status. I can take the empty one offline as long as the regulator switch is toward the full tanks, with no propane "seepage" or smell.
Does he have a bad regulator?
Once one tank is used up, and regulator switch is turned toward other full tank, the now "empty" side still pushes gas out once empty tank is disconnected. New tank shows half red/half green on the guage, never a solid green?
My 2021 310gk shows either solid red or solid green, depending on tank status. I can take the empty one offline as long as the regulator switch is toward the full tanks, with no propane "seepage" or smell.
Does he have a bad regulator?